It's official—spring cleaning has arrived! Every year National Cleaning Week begins the 4th Sunday in March.
It's a week to tidy up our homes and office space to usher in a fresh start with spring. Spring cleaning can produce improved moods, decrease stress, and increase creativity and productivity.
It's also an unique opportunity to build relationships and celebrate the value of clean—honor essential frontline cleaning industry professional, and to raise awareness of what various industries and workplaces are doing to create healthy environments for workers and customers.
"The pandemic has demonstrated the essential role that frontline cleaning professionals, manufacturers, and distributors play in keeping people safe and healthy,” said ISSA Executive Director John Barrett. “We are excited that so many organizations and governors are supporting National Cleaning Week this year and helping raise awareness of the importance of clean and healthy spaces."
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stresses the importance of cleaning and disinfecting at work and at home to protect and promote public health. Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, when combined with proper hand hygiene, reduces virus concentrations by 85.4% At home and office space, cleanliness is an everyday essential.
Are you ready for spring cleaning your facility? Learn how we can help you get a fresh start - contact us!
Our Most Dreaded Cleaning Tasks
Cleaning the bathroom
Kitchen Cleaning
Doing the laundry